Message From Chairman

Dear Members and Readers,
Mumukshu Journal of Humanities,
I extend my heart felt best wishes for the contribution of scholars and intellectuals showcased in the Mumukshu journal of Humanities. This Journal will open a new pursuit of knowledge for the readers.
I appreciate the dedication of the editorial board, distinguished reviewers and contributors who have worked tirelessly for this Journal.
May Mumukshu Journal of Humanities continue to be a guiding light, fostering knowledge, and inspiring minds to delve deeper into the realms of humanities. Wishing the journal and its contributors continued success in illuminating paths of understanding and enlightenment.”

Swami Chinmayanand Saraswati
President Managing Committee
Swami Shukdevanand College,

Message From Chairman

Dear Members and Readers,
Mumukshu Journal of Humanities,
I extend my heart felt best wishes for the contribution of scholars and intellectuals showcased in the Mumukshu journal of Humanities. This Journal will open a new pursuit of knowledge for the readers.
I appreciate the dedication of the editorial board, distinguished reviewers and contributors who have worked tirelessly for this Journal.
May Mumukshu Journal of Humanities continue to be a guiding light, fostering knowledge, and inspiring minds to delve deeper into the realms of humanities. Wishing the journal and its contributors continued success in illuminating paths of understanding and enlightenment.”

Swami Chinmayanand Saraswati
President Managing Committee
Swami Shukdevanand College,