Welcome to Mumukshu journal of Humanities

Welcome to Mumukshu journal of Humanities

The main objective of the publication of this journal is not only to promote interdisciplinary research in humanities and social science with a focus on literature, culture and theory, but also to give a platform to the research work done by processionals as well as new comers in the field.

The main objective of the publication of this journal is not only to promote interdisciplinary research in humanities and social science with a focus on literature, culture and theory, but also to give a platform to the research work done by processionals as well as new comers in the field.

about the journal

about the journal

Mumukshu journal of Humanities is a bilingual and biannual journal. The main objective of the publication of this journal is not only to promote interdisciplinary research in humanities and social science with a focus on literature, culture and theory, but also to give a platform to the research work done by processionals as well as new comers in the field.
The current issue of this journal focuses on the different aspects of the commerce, management , Economics and other streams of humanities. We are heartly grateful to the learned contributors for their co-operation.
For this issue of journal, we have received more than 31 articles. So our Peer Review Committee and Editorial Board have selected about 29 articles to publish.We congratulate all contributors for making the journal a must-have possesction.
We owe a debt of gratitude to all those who have actively participated, directly or indirectly, in making this volume a grand success. We may faller in not expressing our feeling of gratitude to each and every one, albeit my heart is replete with deep emotions for them.

Message from the Hon’ble Person

Message from the Hon’ble Person

Message From Secretary

Dear Members & Academician,
It is with great pleasure that I extend my heartfelt appreciation for the scholarly contributions and intellectual endeavors showcased within the pages of the Mumukshu Journal of Humanities. The pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of diverse perspectives are…


Message From Chief -Person

Dear Members and Readers,
I extend my heart felt best wishes for the contribution of  scholars and intellectuals showcased in the Mumukshu journal of Humanities. This Journal will   open   a  new  pursuit    of  knowledge   for   the   readers.

I appreciate the dedication of the editorial board, distinguished reviewers and contributors who have worked tirelessly for this Journal.
May Mumukshu Journal of Humanities continue to be a guiding light, fostering knowledge, and inspiring minds to delve deeper into the realms of humanities….

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Message From Principal

Dear Readers & Researcher,
I am delighted to welcome you to the inaugural edition of the Mumukshu Journal of Humanities. As we embark on this intellectual journey, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the editorial team, contributors, and readers who have made this endeavor possible….

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Message From Secretary

Dear Members & Academician,
It is with great pleasure that I extend my heartfelt appreciation for the scholarly contributions and intellectual endeavors showcased within the pages of the Mumukshu Journal of Humanities. The pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of diverse perspectives are…


Message From Chief -Person

Dear Members and Readers,
I extend my heart felt best wishes for the contribution of  scholars and intellectuals showcased in the Mumukshu journal of Humanities. This Journal will   open   a  new  pursuit    of  knowledge   for   the   readers.
I appreciate the dedication of the editorial board, distinguished reviewers and contributors who have worked tirelessly for this Journal.
May Mumukshu Journal of Humanities continue to be a guiding light, fostering knowledge, and inspiring minds to delve deeper into the realms of humanities….

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Message From Principal

Dear Readers & Researcher,
I am delighted to welcome you to the inaugural edition of the Mumukshu Journal of Humanities. As we embark on this intellectual journey, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the editorial team, contributors, and readers who have made this endeavor possible….

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Aims & Scope

The aims and scope of a multidisciplinary journal typically outline the goals, focus, and areas of interest that the journal covers. While the specific aims and scope can vary from one journal to another, here are some common elements that are often included:

  1. Interdisciplinary Exploration: Humanities journals often seek to publish research and scholarship that spans multiple disciplines within the humanities, including but not limited to literature, philosophy, history, cultural studies, linguistics, and the arts.
  2. Original Research and Contributions: Journals in the humanities aim to disseminate original research and contributions to the field. This could include articles, essays, reviews, and other forms of scholarly output.
  3. Critical Inquiry: Many humanities journals emphasize critical inquiry, encouraging authors to engage with existing scholarship, challenge prevailing theories, and contribute to the ongoing discourse within their respective fields.
  4. Cultural and Social Relevance: Humanities journals often seek to address issues of cultural and social relevance. This may involve examining historical events, cultural phenomena, linguistic developments, or philosophical ideas in a way that contributes to a broader understanding of society.
  5. Global Perspectives: Journals in the humanities may have a global perspective, encouraging submissions that explore cultural diversity, international perspectives, and the interconnectedness of different societies.
  6. Humanistic Values: The journals may promote humanistic values, including a commitment to understanding human experiences, fostering empathy, and contributing to the enrichment of human culture.
  7. Critical Reviews and Debates: Some humanities journals include sections for critical reviews, debates, and discussions, allowing scholars to engage with each other’s work and contribute to ongoing dialogues in the field.

It’s important for authors to carefully read and understand the aims and scope of a multidisciplinary journal before submitting their work to ensure that their research aligns with the journal’s focus and goals.

About Journal

ISSN: 2546 8657

Publication Frequency – Monthly

Language – English & Hindi

Year of Publication – January 2010

Subject- Multidisciplinary

First issue Published on – 10/01/2010

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